U of H Biomedical Sciences Building, Houston, TX
New Construction

MEP Engineers: E&C Engineers & Consultants, Inc.
General Contractor: Tellepsen
Project Highlights:
New construction of 9 story medical laboratory school for University of Houston. BAS installation included lighting integration, full automation of the expansion in the chiller plant, cooling towers, and heat exchangers. Four tandem AHU’s for the office areas, six tandem laboratory AHUs, three radio-isotopic laboratory exhaust systems, a four fan laboratory exhaust system, two stairwell pressurization systems, four hundred fan powered boxes, an integration into the Siemens Laboratory Hood systems, building power metering, and an acid wash down and ventilation system. Utilizing Honeywell Spyder controls, on JACE’s with N4. This system is coupled onto the systems on campus, and web base accessed.
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